
Age: 57, Years Smoking: 30, Quitting attempts: 6, Time to quit: 17 months, Product used: Nicotine patches, gum and inhalator, Time smoke-free: 9 months


Having previously attempted to quit cold turkey on numerous occasions, Thomas realized he needed some extra help from NRT products.

Getting Started:

Thomas initially began by using nicotine gum on its own.

The Grind:

Thomas was able to stay smoke-free after utilizing nicotine gum, but relapsed within a couple of weeks and began smoking daily again.


After relapsing so soon, Thomas realized combination therapy with gum and patches was the right choice for him.


Thomas has even dropped smoking in social situations – and is using the nicotine inhaler to replace his craving for the odd cigarette.

Staying smoke-free:

With the help of the Nicorette Inhalator, Thomas is now confident to say no to smoking in social situations.

57 year old man portrait

Thomas's Journey to a Smoke-Free Life with KEA Health

Meet Thomas, a 57-year-old man who has been wrestling with a smoking habit that has persisted for most of his life. Despite numerous attempts to quit, he found it particularly challenging due to the social aspect of his habit, often sharing drinks and cigarettes with friends at the bar.

In his journey to quit, Thomas turned to KEA Health's NRT products and embraced combination therapy, a strategy that significantly reduced his smoking.

The Challenge: Thomas's Struggle with Smoking

Thomas faced several challenges due to his long-standing smoking habit. Health issues such as persistent coughing, shortness of breath, and increased susceptibility to illnesses weighed heavily on him. Financially, the cost of cigarettes added up significantly over the years, before he quit he was spending $309 a month on cigarettes. These challenges made Thomas realize how urgently he needed to quit, motivating him to seek effective solutions through KEA Health's NRT products and combination therapy.

Why Thomas Chose KEA Health

Thomas chose KEA Health for his journey to quit smoking due to its affordability and convenience. As a long-time smoker with a habit intertwined with socializing at bars, he needed a cost-effective solution that wouldn't disrupt his lifestyle. KEA Health's NRT products offered the flexibility to gradually reduce smoking, aligning with Thomas's goals and making it easier to navigate social situations without feeling deprived.

The Journey: Steps Taken to Quit Smoking

Thomas initially embarked on his journey to quit smoking with nicotine gum but encountered a relapse into daily smoking within weeks. Determined to overcome this setback, he adopted combination therapy, incorporating nicotine gum and patches. This strategy provided a multi-faceted approach to managing cravings, addressing both immediate and sustained nicotine needs. While Thomas now only craves the occasional cigarette or two over the weekend (which he now manages with an inhalator), his progress signifies a remarkable triumph over very strong and entrenched smoking habits.

Thomas plans to continue using the Inhalator in place of social smoking.

The Results: Thomas's Life After Quitting Smoking

Quitting smoking has brought noticeable improvements to Thomas's life. His health has improved, marked by reduced coughing and increased stamina. Additionally, the financial relief from smoking less has eased his budget. On top of that, these positive changes have boosted Thomas's confidence, setting the stage for a future where he envisions quitting smoking entirely.

Testimonials from Thomas and Family

Thomas: "Stopping smoking with KEA Health's NRT products and combination therapy has been a game-changer for me. I feel healthier, my wallet is happier, and I'm more confident than ever that I can take control of my future. It's been a life-changing journey".

James, Thomas's Son: "Seeing my dad quit smoking with KEA Health's NRT products has been incredible. He's healthier, and our family is closer now. It's reassuring to know he's on the path to quitting completely, and it's inspired me to support him and consider quitting too".

Conclusion: Thomas's Recommendations for Others

Thomas recommends those considering quitting smoking to take the following steps:

● Consider combination therapy with KEA Health's NRT products: "Combining NRTs can significantly help control cravings."

● Be patient and persistent; quitting is a journey: "Stay committed and remember that progress takes time. You may fail, but just move on from that."

● Adapt to different NRT options as needed: "Experiment with various NRTs to find what works best for you."

● Celebrate progress and small victories along the way: "Acknowledge your achievements, no matter how small."

● Remember that every step towards quitting is a step towards a healthier life: "Every effort counts toward a smoke-free future."